
Arthritis Australia would like to extend a sincere thank you to all those who have contributed to the development of MyPsA. 


MyPsA Expert Advisory Group Members 

Professor Susanna Proudman - Rheumatologist and Medical Director, Arthritis Australia

Ms Anne-Maree Brown - Consumer

Associate Professor Peter Foley - Dermatologist

Dr Christopher Fong - Rheumatologist 

Ms Sherylee Holliday - Rheumatology Nurse 

Professor Michael Nicholas - Psychologist

Ms Jennifer Persaud - Physiotherapist 

Dr Eliza Pontifex - Rheumatologist 

Ms Karen Ridsdale - Consumer 

Mr Murray Turner - Consumer, CEO Psoriasis Australia 


Additional Content Reviewers

Professor Ian Harris - Orthopaedic Surgeon 

Associate Professor Lyndell Lim - Ophthalmologist

Ms Gayle McNaught - Consumer 

Dr Watson Ng - Gastroenterologist 

Ms Alison Park - Consumer 

Dr Deborah Turner - Podiatrist 

Dr Emily Webb - Dietitian